Consumer Law

Consumer law is a branch of law that regulates the problems faced by consumers in their economic relations and protects the rights of consumers. This branch of law also includes regulations regarding the contracts between the consumer and the seller or service provider, the quality of the products, the conditions of sale and commercial practices. Below you can find some of the key elements and principles of consumer law:
1. Definition of Consumer
– A consumer is a natural person who purchases goods or services in order to meet their material needs. Consumer law aims to protect these individuals.
2. Consumer Rights
– Right to Information: Consumers have the right to access accurate and complete information about the product or service they have purchased.
– Right to Choose: Consumers have the right to choose between affordability and quality.
– Right to Compete: Consumers have the right to make purchases in a competitive market environment.
– Right of Representation: Consumers have the right to enter into contracts with others through representatives or on their own behalf.
– Right to Financial Protection: Consumers have the right to protect their earnings.
3. Right of Withdrawal
– Consumers have the right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within a certain period of time (usually 14 days) for the products they purchase by distance sales or door-to-door sales.
4. Commercial Applications
– Misleading or deceptive information cannot be provided in commercial advertisements. In addition, after-sales services and warranty conditions are also subject to consumer law.
5. Consumer Disputes
– When consumers encounter any problems arising from the goods or services they receive, they may apply to Consumer Arbitration Committees or Consumer Courts to resolve such disputes. In Turkey, these courts examine disputes up to a certain value.
6. Legal Regulations
– Consumer law in Turkey is regulated by the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502. This law includes various regulations in order to protect the rights of consumers and to raise their awareness.
7. Criminal Sanctions
– Sanctions such as administrative fines may be imposed on commercial enterprises that violate consumer rights. Such transactions are supervised by the Consumer and Competition Authority.
There are different types of lawsuits in consumer law and we provide professional services with our nearly 20 years of experience in all of these cases.
As Terlemez Law Firm, some of the services we offer to our domestic and foreign clients within the scope of Insurance law with our expert lawyer staff;
- Dispute cases regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal.
- Litigation related to distance sales contracts.
- Litigation related to the tracking of credit card processing fees.
- Installment sales contracts.
- Related litigation on unfair terms in the consumer contract.
- Lawsuits arising from commercial advertising and unfair commercial practices.
- Tour and vacation contract cases.
- Litigation related to disputes arising from housing financing and prepaid housing sales contracts.
- Compensation lawsuits for damage suffered by the consumer as a result of defective goods.
- Advocacy services for disputes before consumer arbitration committees.