Traffic Fines and Appeals

If you’re standing at traffic lights, don’t stop looking for your right!
Dear readers,
Traffic fines have become a part of every driver’s life. However, payments made without sufficient information about these penalties may cause people to lose their rights. Therefore, I would like to give some information about traffic fines and appeal processes.
First of all, it is important to remember that traffic fines are usually issued for not following traffic rules. However, sometimes these penalties can also be imposed incorrectly or unfairly. The important thing here is that the driver is aware of these fines and can appeal them if necessary.
Traffic rule violations in Turkey are regulated by the Road Traffic Law and regulations based on it.
First of all, it is important to have information about some common traffic rule violations in our country and the corresponding fines. Although there are many different reasons for traffic fines, the most common traffic fines are obvious. In this article, I have compiled the most common traffic penalty reasons for you.
- Exceeding the Speed Limit
Speed limits differ based on various road types, vehicle types, and conditions.
The penalties in Turkey for drivers who exceed the speed limits are as follows:
The amount of the penalty varies depending on the percentage (%) of the speed limit exceeded. Accordingly, the speed limit fines for 2024 are as follows:
The penalty for exceeding the speed limit by 10-30% is 1,506 TL.
The fine for exceeding the speed limit by %30-% is 3,135 TL.
The penalty for exceeding the speed limit by more than 50% is 6,439 TL.
In addition, the driver’s license of those who are found to have violated this rule five times within one year from the date of the violation by exceeding the speed limits by more than thirty percent will be withdrawn for one year. At the end of the period, those who are found to be unable to obtain a driver’s license after undergoing a psycho-technical evaluation and examination by a psychiatrist will be returned their documents, provided that the traffic administrative fines imposed within the scope of the Road Traffic Law have been collected.
Speed inspections in Turkey are carried out automatically by police teams as well as with fixed and mobile radar systems. These systems detect drivers who violate speed limits and impose the necessary penalties. Speed limits are also indicated by traffic signs placed along the roads.
In terms of traffic safety, it is extremely important for drivers to obey speed limits. Exceeding speed limits poses a risk to the safety of not only the driver, but also other drivers and pedestrians. - Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
The penalty for drunk driving in 2024 is applied over the following amounts. - Punishment for Drunk Driving
The penalty for drunk driving for the first time is 6,439 lira for 2024. In addition, the vehicle is banned from traffic and the driver’s license is confiscated for 6 months. In addition, 20 penalty points are applied to the driver. In this case, there is no question of the possibility of the driver using another vehicle.
Penalty for Drunk Driving for the 2nd Time
In the 2024 drunk driving penalty application, drivers who are found to have drunk driving for the 2nd time within five years from the date of the last violation are fined 8,075 liras. In addition, the driver’s license is confiscated for 2 years and banned from traffic and 20 penalty points are applied. - Punishment for Drunk Driving
- The penalty for drunk driving is higher than for the first two violations. Drivers who drive while intoxicated for the third time within five years from the date of the last violation will be fined 12,977 liras and their driver’s license will be confiscated for 5 years.
- Punishment for Drunk Driving
- The penalty for drunk driving is the same amount as those who have drunk 3 times before, that is, 12,977 liras. However, drivers whose 3 or more driver’s licenses have been confiscated are subject to a psychotechnical evaluation and an examination by a psychiatrist in order to get their licenses back in accordance with the law. If the result of these procedures is appropriate, they can get their driver’s license back at the end of the period.
Limit values for drunk driving.
Alcohol limit for drivers of private vehicles is 0.50 promil
The alcohol limit for drivers of other vehicles is 0.20 promil
TCK 179 for those who drive while intoxicated. Md. imprisonment limit 1.0 promil
TCK 179 for those who cause a traffic accident while intoxicated. Art. limit of imprisonment
0.50 promil for the driver of a private vehicle,
0.20 promil for drivers of other vehicles
Drunk Driving Situations with Imprisonment
Drivers who are found to be driving under the influence of alcohol do not have to repeat the offense more than once in order to receive a prison sentence. If the detected value is above 1.0 promil, even if he is caught driving drunk for the 1st time, the provision of Article 179 of the Turkish Penal Code is applied, among other penalties, and the person is punished with imprisonment.
If the blood alcohol value of the drivers of private vehicles who cause an accident while driving under the influence of alcohol is above 0.50 promil, they are also punished with imprisonment. In case of causing an accident, this limit is applied as 0.20 promil for drivers using vehicles other than private vehicles. - Running a Red Light
Drivers who run a red light are fined 1,506 TL for 2024. - Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road
As of 2024, a penalty of 6,439 TL is imposed on drivers who drive their vehicles in the opposite direction on a one-way road or in the absence of a contrary sign. - Using a Mobile Phone
It is forbidden to look at or use the mobile phone while driving. Talking on the phone not only while driving, but also while waiting at a red light is considered a violation of the rules. Talking on the phone at a red light is also a violation of the rules for which an administrative fine is imposed. Because even if you stop at a red light, the waiting time is included in a part of the traffic. For this reason, talking on the phone, even at a red light, is subject to criminal sanctions. The penalty for talking on the phone in traffic is 1,506 TL for 2024.
6. Not Wearing the Seat Belt
As of 2024, drivers who do not wear seat belts are fined 954 TL. - Not Giving Way to Pedestrians at a Pedestrian Crossing
Not giving way to a pedestrian crossing the street from a pedestrian crossing is one of the frequent rule violations in our country. The penalty for not giving way to a pedestrian has been determined as 3,136 TL for 2024 - Disobeying Traffic Signs
It is forbidden to disobey the points indicated or indicated by traffic signs, devices and floor markings. Drivers who violate this rule will be punished with an administrative fine of 690 TL in 2024. - Carrying more passengers than the specified number of passengers in the vehicle
The penalty for carrying excess passengers is critical to ensure passenger safety, especially in public transportation and commercial vehicles. Penalties for exceeding the passenger limit encourage drivers and vehicle owners to follow the rules. Drivers who exceed the passenger limit are fined 540 TL for 2024.
10. Failure to Obey the Traffic Police or Checkpoint
Drivers who do not comply with the instructions of the traffic police or do not stop at the checkpoint are fined 1,506 TL for 2024. - Improper Parking
Improper parking is one of the leading behaviors against traffic rules and can cause us to encounter traffic fines frequently. The penalty for improper parking in Turkey varies.
Parking in places where stopping is prohibited on the carriageway: 690 TL
Parking in places where parking on the carriageway is prohibited by traffic signs: 690 TL
Parking in front of or on passageways on the carriageway: 690 TL
Parking in designated fire hydrants on the carriageway: 690 TL
Parking at the stops of public service passenger vehicles: 690 TL
Parking on the middle carriageway on a highway with three or more separate carriageways: 690 TL
Parking in places that will prevent vehicles parked in accordance with the rules from leaving: 690 TL
Parking to prevent the entry or exit of vehicles with passing privileges: 690 TL
Parking outside the time allowed or outside the time allowed to park: 690 TL
Parking near the entrance and exit doors of public places: 690 TL
Parking outside the designated area for parking: 690 TL
Parking outside the specified time and form: 690 TL
Parking in private vehicles outside the designated parking spaces: 690 TL
Parking on pedestrian paths except for the cases specified in the regulation: 690 TL
Parking in parking spaces reserved for disabled people: 1,383 TL - Right-of-Way Violation
If the drivers do not give the first right of way to pedestrians passing in accordance with the rules in right and left turns, a penalty of 690 TL is applied for 2024. - Violating Traffic Lights
The red light penalty is applied to drivers who violate the stop warning at traffic lights while driving. For 2024, a penalty of 1508.50 TL is applied in case of passing the red light.
These violations and the penalties to be applied are situations that may result in accidents. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow traffic rules, and drivers need to be careful. In order to increase traffic safety and fulfill legal obligations, drivers must comply with these rules and regulations.
Objection to Traffic Fines
If you think that you have not violated the traffic rules but a traffic fine has been issued in your name, you can appeal the fine by using your legal right. Traffic fines are not only a financial burden, but also an important factor for drivers’ mental health. Therefore, it is very important to know our rights and to appeal when necessary. As conscious individuals, we should be careful against unfairly imposed penalties as well as obeying traffic rules.
The process of appealing traffic fines in Turkey is regulated by the Road Traffic Law No. 2918 and the regulations based on this law.
When objecting to traffic fines, you should carefully read the traffic fine decision issued on your behalf, have information about the nature of the fine, why it was applied and the amount of the fine, and then you should object within 15 days from the date of notification of the fine, if you have objections such as that the penalty applied is unfair or incorrectly applied, the evidence required for the penalty is insufficient, and the situations that cause the traffic fine to be imposed are not within a legal framework. It is important not to miss this deadline to protect your right to appeal.
In order to appeal the penalty, it is necessary to prepare a petition to be submitted to the Magistrate’s Court where the penalty was issued. The petition must present the reasons for the objection, explanations questioning the manner of imposing the penalty, and evidence, if any. During the appeal process, the evidence you will collect to get the sentence canceled is very important. Elements such as video recordings, witness statements or the lack of traffic signs can be strong evidence for the cancellation of the fine. In addition, a photocopy of the penalty should be attached to your appeal petition.
The court will review your appeal and make a decision after evaluating the situation. If the court decides positively on your objection, the traffic ticket will be canceled and all legal consequences related to the penalty will disappear. If there is a negative result, the decision can be appealed.
Examples of Cancellation of Traffic Fines:
Valid service of the penalty is important in the appeal process. In cases where the traffic fine is not served by post or is sent to the wrong address, the court must cancel the fine.
The act for which the penalty is imposed must be supported by information and documents. If the defendant, who has received a penalty for driving, proves that someone else is driving the vehicle without authorization, the penalty must be canceled.
If there is not enough evidence for the act that is the subject of the penalty, it is possible to cancel the penalty. In cases where the appealed penalty is unfounded, the place where the penalty was imposed is not supported by traffic monitoring systems, or the moment and situation of the penalty is uncertain, the court should decide to cancel the penalty.
The validity and reliability of the measuring devices used by traffic control teams are important. If, despite the fact that there is a definite determination that a vehicle has exceeded the speed limit, the calibration check of the speedometer has not been carried out, decisions have been made canceling the penalty. In such cases, the reliability of the device’s measurements is questioned.
The above-mentioned examples are points that can be taken into account in the appeal processes related to traffic fines in the judicial system in Turkey. When appealing traffic fines, it is important to write a petition supported by concrete evidence, taking into account court decisions and precedents. It is also recommended that you consult with a criminal lawyer for more detailed information and assistance on the matter.
Finally, please follow the traffic rules and remember to communicate respectfully with other drivers. Remember, each of us moves together on this path.