Energy and Mining Law

Energy and mining law is a special branch of law that covers legal regulations related to energy production, distribution and mining activities. This area is carried out with a complex infrastructure, taking into account both environmental sensitivities and economic development.

With our experienced lawyers in the field of Energy Law, we provide consultancy to companies operating in the electricity, natural gas, petroleum and LPG markets in their transactions before the Ministry of Energy, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), obtaining licenses and all kinds of permits, taking over energy projects and companies, and providing advocacy and consultancy services in legal disputes that may arise.

Here are some important points about energy and mining law:

1. Definition and Scope:

– While energy law regulates processes such as production, distribution and sale of energy resources, mining law covers the processes of conducting, supervising and investing in mining activities.

2. Legal Framework:

– Energy and mining law is regulated by a series of laws at local, national and international levels. For example, the basic legislation related to the energy sector in Turkey is determined by laws such as the Electricity Market Law No. 4628.

3. Energy Sources:

– Energy sources are divided into two main groups as renewable (solar, wind, hydroelectric) and non-renewable (oil, natural gas, coal). It is of great importance that these resources are used in accordance with the law.

4. Licensing:

– Companies that will operate in energy production and distribution are required to obtain certain permits and licenses. The licensing process is supervised by the ministry of energy or the relevant authorities.

5. Environmental Impacts:

– Consider the environmental impact of energy and mining activities; Environmental Impact Assessment Reports are prepared. The evaluation of these reports is carried out within the framework of environmental protection laws.

6. Energy Market Regulation:

– Regulation of the energy market is an important element for increasing competition and keeping energy prices under balance. The energy regulatory authority is responsible for regulating and supervising the market.

7. Mining Permits and Licenses:

– In mining activities, it is mandatory to obtain mining licenses and permits. Mining licenses include details such as the coordinates of the area, the duration of the license, and the permit process.

8. Mineral Extraction and Operation Conditions:

– In the process of extraction and operation of mines, many issues such as the usability of the mine site, occupational health and safety should be regulated.

9. Occupational Health and Safety:

– Occupational health and safety in the fields of energy and mining is of primary importance. There are special legal regulations and standards in this regard.

10. Social Impacts and Responsibility:

– Energy and mining projects should be carried out with the environment and community in mind. Companies’ investment in social responsibility projects can increase social acceptance.

Energy and mining law plays a critical role in supporting sustainable development and ensuring that resources are used effectively. This area should proceed on the basis of the principles of the rule of law, transparency and public interest. It is important to seek legal advice for legal problems that may arise in energy and mining projects.

There are different types of lawsuits in energy and mining law, and we provide professional services with nearly 20 years of experience in all of these cases.

As Terlemez Law Firm, some of the services we offer to our domestic and foreign clients within the scope of energy and mining law with our expert lawyer staff;

  • Providing general advice and opinion on energy and mining legislation and practices
  • Advising and providing advice on energy distribution, sales, production, storage, import licenses, mineral exploration and operation licenses and related license/license application process (including obtaining, renewing and transferring licenses)
  • Preparation of project-oriented and operational contracts
  • Advising on mergers and acquisitions of energy and mining companies in the light of legal regulations

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