Insurance Law

Insurance law is a branch of law that covers issues such as insurance contracts, the rights and obligations of insurance companies and insureds. Below you can find some key points that summarize the basic elements and principles of insurance law:

1. Insurance Contract: Insurance law is basically based on the insurance contract. These contracts are concluded between the insurer (insurance company) and the insured and determine the rights and obligations of the parties. Within the scope of the contract, issues such as insurance premiums, policy coverage and indemnity conditions are detailed.

2. Assessment of Risk: Insurance companies evaluate the risks they will insure and determine the terms of the policy accordingly. Customers’ risk profiles play an important role in calculating premiums.

3. Indemnity and Insurance Payments: It regulates the payments to be made by the insurance company for the damage or losses incurred under the coverage of the insurance contract. Compensation for damage is carried out in accordance with the conditions specified in the policy.

4. Legal Regulations: Each country has its own laws and regulations regarding insurance law. For example, insurance law in Turkey is regulated by the relevant provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code.

5. Insurance Disputes: There may be many disputes between insurance companies and insureds. These disputes are usually related to claims, interpretation of policy terms, or premium payments.

6. Consumer Protection Law: Insurance transactions are also linked to consumer protection laws. Insurance companies should not violate the rights of the insured.

There are different types of lawsuits in insurance law and we provide professional services with our nearly 20 years of experience in all of these cases.

As Terlemez Law Firm, some of the services we offer to our domestic and foreign clients within the scope of Insurance law with our expert lawyer staff;

  • Dispute cases related to motor insurance, aviation and marine insurance,
  • Material and moral compensation lawsuits in traffic accidents,
  • Lawsuits related to personal accidents,
  • Receivables and compensation cases arising within the scope of pension insurance, health insurance and life insurance,
  • Lawsuits for insurance receivables and compensations arising as a result of disasters such as floods, fires, earthquakes, etc.,
  • Lawsuits arising from the breach of obligations in insurance contracts,
  • Disputes arising from loss insurances, compulsory liability insurances,
  • Execution of unpaid insurance premiums before enforcement offices and courts,
  • Collection of compensation and insurance costs from the injured person

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